viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

                              Skew PBW Extensions in algebra and geometry
                                                Oswaldo Lezama   , Armando Reyes

Grupo de Algebra Conmutativa Computacional - SAC2
Departamento de Matem aticas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot a


In this talk we present some results about skew PBW extensions which were introduced by Lezama in [1].
These extensions and its localizations include a wide variety of rings and algebras of interest for modern
mathematical physics such as PBW extensions, well known classes of Ore algebras, operator algebras,
di usion algebras, quantum algebras, quadratic algebras in 3-variables, skew quantum polynomials,
among many others.

[1] Gallego, C. and Lezama, O., Grobner bases for ideals of sigma-PBW extensions, Communications
in Algebra, 39 (1), 2011, 50-75.
[2] Lezama, O. and Reyes, A., Regularity for skew PBW extensions, to appear.

Fecha 29 de agosto 2012
Hora  6pm
SAlòn F503

Stochastic Modeling for Warranty Analysis

Professor Alagar Rangan
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Eastern Mediterranean University

In this talk, we introduce various kind of stochastic models for Warranty Analysis, in particular, extended warranty models. We consider a repairable system subject to two types of failures, minor and major requiring minimal repair and replacement, respectively, as maintenance actions. Extended warranty models for the system that includes a free replacement period and an extended warranty period are analysed. Consumers have several warranty options during the extended warranty period. Explicit expressions for the manufacturer's long run average profit per unit time under these options are obtained. We enlarge the objective function by including the total sales volume. This is done by considering the demand as a displaced log linear function of the product price, fixed warranty period and the extended warranty period.   Numerical illustrations are provided in each case to demonstrate optimal pricing and warranty period.

Fecha: 22 de agosto de 2012
hora :6pm
Salòn  F503

Electrocardiógrafo Inalámbrico Implementando Módulos de 

Transmisión ZigBee y Paneles Solares


Sergio Sánchez Sanjuan 
Estudiante de Ingenierìa

Universidad Sergio Arboleda, sede Bogotá

The work is for the design and implementation of an electrocardiograph that deliver cardiac signals wirelessly transmitted using ZigBee technology powered by solar panels using the Labview control software. The importance of this project is to shorten the patient's diagnosis by the doctor during his way to the hospital through the transmission of the cardiac signal wirelessly to be displayed in real time. This will give the doctor more time to analyze the patient before arrival at hospital. Likewise, the solar panel feeding allows the use of irradiation from the sun, to turn the use of an optimum voltage source for powering the circuit and making it more portable electrocardiograph through a feeding system composed of DC / DC converters which adjust the input potential to optimum potential of each subsystem, which in our case requires +/- 5V bias for the acquisition system of the cardiac signal and 3.3V for the wireless transmission stage. Between the results achieved is the design of the power supply together with the cardiac signal obtained analogously pure by LabView Software and wireless transmission by XBee modules.

FECHA: miércoles 15 de agosto de 2012
HORA: 6:00 p.m.
SALÓN: F-503