martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Language Concepts

SPEAKER:  Edgar José Andrade Lotero
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas
Universidad del Rosario


Language is a conglomerate of both individual and social phenomena. In this respect, language is not unique: a lot of human aspects have a double single / social face. One way to study this duality is to see these clusters as complex systems. The purpose of this talk is to expose rigorously, from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes aspects of formal semantics and Complex Adaptive Systems, a preliminary sketch of the idea that cognitive processes of interaction and shape the structure and knowledge of language.

DATE: Wednesday, April 29
TIME:  6:00 pm

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Ramsey theory: a contemporary branch of combinatorial

SPEAKER: Carlos Di Prisco
Universidad de los Andes


We will present some basic aspects of the theory that has been developed from a theorem of FP Ramsey. This theorem, proved in 1929 to solve a problem of predicate logic, has found various applications in various fields of mathematics. Briefly examine generalizations of the theorem to infinite dimension and applications of graph theory defined on metric spaces.

              March 18 th, 2015,      4:00 pm, CLASSROOM:    A 405

Some Model Theoretic Properties of Hilbert Spaces

SPEAKER: Jorge Daniel Muñoz Carvajal
Universidad Sergio Arboleda


In the talk we introduce some basic notions in continuous logic, model theory of metric structures and C-algebras. Then, we study the model theory of  H =< H, 0 ffα,β, <|>. N >,  where H is a infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space, α, β C, |α|+|β| ≤ 1, 0 ffα,β (x, y) = αx+βy for x, y H and N is a normal bounded operator on H 

          April 15 th, 2015,              6:00 pm                 CLASSROOM:     A 602